Leadership Forum with Fiona Hyslop MSP | Thursday 3rd December

  • Thought Leadership

Chair and Non-Executive Director Forum

with Fiona Hyslop MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture, Scottish Government

Facilitated by Willie Finlayson



Represented on the forum were c.50 companies, with over 100,000 employees.

Some of the themes which were developed included;

  1. Recognition of the scale of the crisis and also the stress and strain which has come with it, on both individuals and organisations.
  2. Mutualisation – acknowledgment that we have shared the risk and challenges of Covid, both personally and professionally and together as a society. Now the challenge is can we also share the ‘way back’ together?
  3. Engagement between Government and Business and how should Government measure the success of that?
  4. Build back – the need for a strategy and the need for that work to begin now.
  5. Challenge – what can business offer to Government to support the build back and can Government be receptive to those offers?
  6. Opportunities – looking beyond Covid – changing working patterns, the green agenda, further digitalisation. Can we hope and plan for a more rapid bounce back than might otherwise have been expected?

There was a plea made to government to;

  • Re-open our economy and in particular those industries and services which will have a multiplier effect.
  • Engage with business leaders. Let us be part of the build back strategy.
  • Embrace the green agenda but do not over complicate the process for companies to get support.

For further information about this or any of our other virtual events please contact us via enquiries@fwbparkbrown.com

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