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This opportunity has now been filled
Director of Marketing & Communications
About the role
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) is the oldest and largest of the UK surgical Royal Colleges, and one of the largest of all the UK medical Royal Colleges. First incorporated as the Barber Surgeons of Edinburgh in 1505, the College has been at the vanguard of surgical innovation and developments for over 500 years.
RCSEd’s primary role is to ensure the safety of their patients and provide them with the best possible care. They do this by championing the highest standards of surgical and dental practice; through provision of courses and educational programmes, training, examinations and Continuous Professional Development; liaising with external medical bodies; and by influencing healthcare policy across the UK.
Today it is a modern, thriving, global network of medical professionals with a membership of well over 23,000 professionals who live and work in more than 100 countries around the world. The membership includes people at every stage of their career, from medical students through to trainees, consultants and those who have retired from practice.
RCSEd seeks to appoint a Director of Marketing & Communications who will lead the College’s marketing and communications strategies to engage with existing and prospective members in the UK and internationally. This role forms part of the senior management team reporting to the Chief Executive.
Key responsibilities include:
- Developing and implementing a College-wide marketing and communications strategy, consistent with the College’s strategic objectives
- Enhancing the nature and level of engagement with the membership in both the UK and overseas through marketing and communications work
- Devising and implementing appropriate market research to inform the work of the Department and the College Strategic Plan
- Developing a branding strategy and associated action plan for the College and managing its implementation
- Working in partnership with all members of the Senior Management Team to support the work of the College, the departments and subsidiary companies/entities, particularly in relation to two-way engagement with the membership
We would like to hear from strategic marketers with demonstrable experience leading high performing teams and delivering commercial outcomes. The successful candidate will most likely come from a professional membership organisation, the NHS or from higher education; however, we also welcome applications from other related sectors.
To apply please send your CV & covering letter, including your remuneration details, to Leah Ronaldson at